The list of cultivars for vg1017098012 with genotype A in the Indica III population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
CHIPDA CX130 Indica III India ERS470496
Jalmagna CX153 Indica III India ERS470518
CASIBON IRIS_313-10441 Indica III Philippines ERS469358
ARC_13888_BROWN_SPOTS_ON_STRAW IRIS_313-11262 Indica III India ERS470058
KUSUM_KATIKI IRIS_313-11565 Indica III Nepal ERS468760
KOMALIOKO IRIS_313-11793 Indica III Madagascar ERS468960
KOTTEYARAN IRIS_313-8660 Indica III Sri Lanka ERS467837
LEUANG_YAI_29-12-46 IRIS_313-9119 Indica III Thailand ERS468025